Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Art Project

Hello everyone. Hope all is well.
I wanted to share the project I'm working on. As I've recently learned about the Eighfold Path to enlightenment according to Buddhism, I based my idea for a sculpture project on Brandy.

The eightfold path is this: (http://www.thebigview.com/buddhism/eightfoldpath.html)

1. Right ViewWisdom
2. Right Intention
3. Right SpeechEthical Conduct
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
6. Right EffortMental Development
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration

I asked Brandy's family for eight articles of clothing that I could use to represent her. (They gave me a matching outfit that really speaks Brandy!) These articles will be arranged in an interesting manner in a glass shadow box.

articles I'm working with on the project

The front panel of the shadow box will list the eight nouns associated with the eightfold path.
View, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration. I'm going to make the words stacked vertically and paint the negative space behind them with a frost, so that you can still see through it, but it will create a visually appealing effect.

I'm very excited to work on this (if you can't tell)!
I will be sure to post my progress.

Ideally, I would have this finished by Sunday, when a local bar/hangout of Brandy's (where she didn't drink) is hosting a benefit for her. Split Level is the last place I saw Brandy in April, so I really look forward to this. I am not sure that my supplies will be in on time, but we shall see.
Also coming up is the Boardman High School orchestra concert that they are dedicating to Brandy tomorrow!
Lots to surround ourselves with here from Brandy.
Until next time.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sharing the Media Coverage

Vindicator front page!

Youngstown State University's newspaper: front page again!
Guys, here's to the local media's generosity. It really shows me that in time of need, they will be there. Too often it seems the media is regarded as this black hole of useless information, but it truly has lended a helping hand to mine and Carrie's efforts.

Local News Coverage of Oktoberfest 9/30/2012:

Report after Preliminary Hearing 8/24/2012:

Non-Violence Parade 10/07/2012

Monday, October 1, 2012


Hi everyone!
The Octoberfest was today.
Let me explain. The Octoberfest is a local annual event in the township park. It is one day of the year where hundreds of vendors set up tents and cause traffic jams on the major roadways of Boardman, OH. I personally had never been until today. It was Carrie's idea to set up a table in the arts and crafts section of the Octoberfest for Brandy to raise awareness and get donations for bracelets.
This week we reached an exciting number, prior to the Octoberfest. The bank account hit $1,000!! An incredible feat. The Vindicator (vindy.com) ran an article after an interview with Carrie and I at YSU about the bracelets and the bench/tree that we aspire to. The article printed FRONT PAGE on Saturday.
It was a lot of hard work to become present at the Octoberfest; it was a lot of printing, YSU paid for a 2' x 6' vinyl banner that I designed that we hung across a six foot table. We set two other tables to box us in beneath a canopy/tent that Brandy's grandma owns. The facepainting table was on our right. I made a sign that said it was a $2 donation for a facepaint. Steph (Brandy's little sister), her friend Sam, and I painted faces all day, and Carrie, Kathy, Carrie's boyfriend Kevin, my girlfriend and sister all helped with collecting donations and giving information, answering questions, etc, as people walked by and read our signs and information. (Sam also had printed a poster explaining our situation.)
Quickly the donation jar filled, and the cash drawer (that I had borrowed from work and filled with 100 dollars worth of ones and fives) was growing.
A reporter from a local station called my cell phone. She found our tent and spoke with Carrie, Kathy, and I, to let people know how it was going.
Some people visiting our tent cried. Some presented themselves with anger at the crime. All were sincere, and all reached out. I watched everyone, young, old, alone, and in groups slow down and read that sign that Sam had made. We had a line of people waiting to get things painted on their faces. The kids were adorable. I tried to keep the mood positive, especially given our environment. This was a happy thing. We are working toward something great.
Mariam Fife had visited our table and sat down with Carrie. (Her story is an interesting one as well, if you're not familiar with it, her son was brutally murdered in the mid '80s.)
Well, the marching band had retired and the sun was setting. Our visitors were leaving the park and it was time to call it a day.
Carrie skimmed the collections and approached me slowly with an indescribable look on her face. I didn't know what she had been doing, as I had been folding chairs and cleaning the facepainting table. "One thousand dollars, Krysti, there is one thousand dollars here," Carrie said in a whisper. I couldn't believe it. We reveled in the thought of the bench being so close.
She gave me the donation jar with all of the funds. We took it home so that I could deposit it into the account. 
I came home and cut the grass hastily, as I had to work for 5 hours tonight as well. I didn't get much of a chance to feel what I did as I walked from my car to my house after my short shift, glancing at Orion in the sky... Brandy has been heard. Her quiet voice has strummed the chords of people in so many places. A tear came to my eye as I felt her presence and smiled knowing that in a few short weeks, December at the latest, this bench will be in the concrete of the campus she attended.
What a story. What an invigorating day.