Monday, July 30, 2012


This is the image I created on May 21st, after the missing persons report was filed. We took it door to door in Meadville, PA when that red cell phone of hers pinged a cell phone tower. We were much too hopeful, we spent a long time on those streets, in and out of businesses...

The following is a link to a video that Brandy's friend Ariel created while Brandy was missing.


  1. Oh Brandy... here I am again, it seems like it's every night now, late at night, can't sleep, sick to my stomach, thinking, just thinking, seeing those last moments of your life, that image will never leave my head. I don't know how to make it stop, all I know is that I can feel you with me, and I thank you for that, you were always pushing for me, and I can still feel you pushing... I get it Brandy, I get it. ;) You would be so proud of me, you changed my life and now you aren't even here for me to thank you, for me to show you! I will live it out though, and I will remember you in everything that I do. God, when I needed to talk about anything you were there, I need to talk right now, I need you to roll your eyes and tell me that I need to not worry, that everything is going to be fine. You believed that for me, you always did. I love you Brandy, I'm so sorry that I was too stubborn to realize that you were helping me, that you saved my life, before it was too late. I would do anything to bring you back, anything to have been there with you that day, but I can't so I will carry on the way that you taught me, I will live to be the person you showed me I was, thank you for believing in me, for giving me the strength to believe in myself! and I will be grateful to you forever! Thank you, thank you my friend, for you I will swing life away, with you in my heart I will swing it away. I miss you Brandy!

    Let's go see Alkaline in the hatchback with Mr. Burns shall we??
    "'m tired of sleeping with myself
    I'm tired, all those drinks and drugs no longer help
    I'm tired of lying about not thinking of you
    Maybe my friend Peter can tell me what to do"

    I miss my friend Peter.

  2. I'm up thinking again. I've got a lot on my mind this night. I need to talk to you right now, I've got so much to say, I need your advice, I need you to roll your eyes at me with that little smirk on your face before you give me your wise words. I'm going to talk anyways, because I believe you are here even though I can't see you. Maybe you can give me a sign? Here goes my rant, and I'll be waiting for your response. I miss you every day!
